Service Description

You are not your product’s target customer.
Get feedback from the people who are.

Maybe you already A/B test your e-commerce products. But live tests take days (if not weeks) to collect data. And after all that time, the data is often inconclusive. Google Ads and Facebook Ads are expensive. They’re a hassle to manage, and at the end of the test, a click-through rate is the only real information you have.

PickFu makes it easy to poll the people who matter most. Ask the PickFu Panel anything about your e-commerce product. In just minutes, they’ll share valuable insights, uncover issues you may not know you had, and give you confidence to move in the right direction.

About This Company

PickFu is an online polling service that Amazon sellers use to know what sells before they sell it. Using PickFu, you can test your product ideas, packaging designs, and marketing assets with US-based customers who match your ideal customer. Results come back quickly, including written comments from each respondent and their demographic information.

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