Service Description

Parcel Service Refund is a product that that secures refund credits back to your FedEx, DHL Express and UPS accounts. 

About This Company helps sellers reduce and LOWER UPS, FedEx and DHL shipping costs,  with NO out of pocket costs!

Shipment auditing
A comprehensive, 40-point audit is performed on each shipment.

Claim submission
Claims for refunds are submitted to FedEx, DHL and UPS automatically.

Claim verification
Refund claims submitted are tracked throughout the review process.

Manifest tracking
Each shipping label is monitored to ensure shipment.

Shipment voiding
A comprehensive, 40-point audit is performed on each shipment.

Online billing
Secure and easy payments can be made using credit cards.

Weekly reporting
Clear and simple reports show auditing related activities.

Detailed reporting
Comprehensive reporting improves operational efficiencies.
