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Find the Best Facebook Advertising Agency in Columbus

Columbus Facebook Advertising Agency Matching

100% Free of Charge - Fee Is Charged to Service Providers Only


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About Facebook Ads Agencies in Columbus

FAQs About Facebook Ads & Instagram PPC Agencies in Columbus

Facebook is still one of the strongest social media platforms with all user groups and ages you can imagine. A specialized Facebook Advertising Agency can help you leverage the users on Facebook, Instagram and their partner network by creating an advertising strategy, create the media creatives for you (photography, video etc.) and run ads to scale your revenue of your store and increase brand awaTreness.

A Facebook Agency either supports you with your own ads, or creates and runs the ads for you. Included is usually an ongoing strategy consultation and reporting. 

After all, the aim is usually to increase revenue for your store with a maximum ROAS (return on advertising spend), meaning they aim to keep the relative cost per sale as low as possible so you can grow profitably.

You can of course create and run your own ads for your store, but you should never under-estimate the complexity of optimizing ads for low customer acquisition cost. Many companies that try to run the ads themselves fail right away, spending thousands per month with no results at all. 

Agencies benefit from serving multiple clients simultaneously, enabling them to run ads at lower cost.

There is a wide choice of advertising platforms available with different pros and cons. Especially in Ecommerce for consumer products though, Facebook which also includes Instagram is still one of the strongest channels. 

The audience might be of higher age than comparable social media platforms, but with age comes often higher buying-power. Thats why many companies still heavily count on Facebook Advertising for high growth.

Finding the right agency for your Facebook business ad account is crucial. You want someone who is highly experienced and serves many similar companies too. This way you can leverage their industry knowledge. It’s also a risk to get your Facebook Ad account blocked if facebook declines your ads too often. Specialist agencies know how to avoid that, or in the worst case even help you get your account unblocked.

We help you find the best Agency for your Facebook Management by providing a directory of vetted experts, or you can let us do the work for you and use our free matching service! Simply fill out the form and receive proposals within few hours, free of charge and directly to your inbox.

There are many ways how pricing can be different among agencies. One of the factors is sheer company size of the Facebook Agency. While bigger agencies with many employees usually need to charge a higher overall price, they might also be experienced in working with big brands.

Small agencies usually charge less and have lower entry pricing, but they might lack understanding regarding the needs of established companies.

Getting a proposal and chatting with the agency is the fastest way to find out what their strengths are. We recommend asking for references, providing proof they have worked with similar companies

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