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3PL Logistics Company

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Find the Best 3PL Third Party Logistics Company

Third Party Logistics Provider Matching

100% Free of Charge - Fee Is Charged to Service Providers Only


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This matching service is 100% free of charge and without obligation. You will usually receive 2 to 5 proposals within 48h. By using this form you agree to our Privacy Policy.

About 3PL Third Party Logistics Companies

FAQs About Third Party Logistics Providers

A Third Party Logistics Provider offers all kinds of services around shipments, products and/or order handling. 

3PLs often specialize in certain fields of logistics such as big and heavy products or small and light ones. It’s important to pick a company that fits exactly your needs rather than making a company provide services for you which they usually don’t specialize in. This way you can get the best prices and also expertise.

The range of a 3PL company can be broad and reach from trucking to kitting (compiling sets of parts into one package). Hence the importance of picking a company that fits your exact needs. It’s also important to find a Third Party Logistics provider matching your company’s size and turnover.

There are big 3PLs that usually can not take on any small clients, while smaller 3PLs can get overwhelmed quickly if you’d overload them. 

At the end of the day, 3PLs handle actual, physical products and you need to make sure they have the resources to handle your job the right way.

There are many reasons for hiring a 3PL company. The reasons not only vary in terms of the needed expertise and service, but also regarding the state of your business.

If your online store is growing extremely fast, you will run into logistics issues very quickly. This is where you simply need to rely on external help and outsource to avoid out-of-stock situations or even worse, slow shipping, complaints, lost orders etc.

A good 3PL company will help you calculate the fees which you then can compare to doing it yourself. Often times, this is not an easy endeavor since you’d need to include your own time or the work-time of your team into the equation. Any way it’s important to compare the cost of doing it yourself vs. outsourcing.

If it’s not about pricing but more about growing your company and keeping up with demand, it’s an obvious sign you need to hire a 3PL company. Setting up your own logistics centre can be expensive, esp. if you’re not sure about your company’s future. 

You can use the free matching service to get proposals from 3PLs directly to your inbox, free of charge. Some questions you should ask yourself beforehand are:

  • Where should the ideal 3PL be located at?
  • Which types of products are involved?
  • For which logistics processes do you need support?
  • What is especially important to you?
  • What’s your budget in total or per unit?

How much 3PLs charge depends on your individual situation. 

Once the comanies reach out to you they will certainly help you come up with a quote for you to get a feeling. There are also different models on how they charge their fees, either solely per-unit, including a retainer, depending on season etc.

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