Service Description

We Help Brands Sell Successfully on Amazon Japan

About This Company

Set-up & Launch
We can help you with:

Account Set-up
Product Set-Up
Translation and Japanese Copy-writing
Advertising Set-up

Customer Support
We can help you with:

Customer Service & Support
Automated Customer Reviews
Seller Central Support
Problem Solving

We can help you with:

Listing descriptions and copy-writing
Packaging and Inserts
Keywords and PPC advertising
Customer Service Emails

We can help you:

Improve your copywriting
Include more keywords
Find out where you're losing money on PPC

Managed Account
We can help you with everything:

Set-up and Optimizing
Customer and Amazon support
Managed PPC advertising

PPC Advertising
We can help you with:

Set-up keywords
In-depth analysis
Saving money on clicks

Social Media Links